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7 Networking Trends To Watch Out In 2020


7 Networking Trends To Watch Out In 2020

With the revolutionary changes in IT infrastructure and more businesses shifting to clouds, networks and networking professionals are facing tremendous pressure to align themselves with the technological trends of networking. Networking industry needs to keep pace and evolve rapidly with the changes in technology, software and hardware updates. It is certainly a gate pass for networking professionals, opening doors to new positions, better and effective ways of handling complex networks. All the migrations and IT infrastructure change implementations require the IT and networking professionals to possess expert networking skills and in-depth understanding of the advanced technologies, to ensure swift and smooth transitions.

The overwhelming trends include:

SDN: Software-defined networking (SDN) refers to an advanced architecture, deployed to ensure network agility and flexibility. It leads to an improved network control system and enables enterprises to respond quickly to the constantly changing business needs. SDN has replaced traditionally dedicated hardware with virtualized hardware and software, benefiting organizations with reduced hardware footprints and low operational costs.

SD-WAN: It is a major movement towards designing and delivering a flexible network infrastructure, ensuring effective routing and distribution of network traffic. SD-WAN’s security secret lies in the segmentation, enabling isolation of small and high priority networks to protect them against network attacks. Organizations tend to leverage a hybrid approach utilizing traditional MPLS and LTE connectivity while using SD-WAN and delivering network transport efficiencies on the go. Various SD-WAN deployment projects are expected to take place in 2019 and beyond, requiring skilled SD-WAN professional experts to deliver them with agility and accuracy.

Multi-Cloud: With more and more organizations shifting their IT dependencies over the cloud, there is an emerging culture of using multi-cloud services. It is mainly because of tight competition in the cloud domain and constant expansion of cloud solutions and services being made available at competitive prices. This requires IT network professionals to acquire an in-depth understanding of cloud technologies, rather multi-cloud expertise can reap you even better opportunities and benefits.

Cloud Repatriation: Where one side, the industry is experiencing rapid cloud adoption, the other side is falling back to the on-premise solutions, marking the importance of traditional data centres. The organizations are repatriating from cloud to have equilibrium and a balanced IT infrastructure architecture.

Edge Computing: Edge computing aims to change the networking picture and streamlining the flow of traffic from IoT devices, processing and analyzing the collected data on the nearest device instead of sending it over long routes to cloud or data centre. Creating this mesh network including microdata centres reduces the backhaul traffic to the central data repository preventing data leakages and adding to the network security.

IoT: Powerful IoT platform has empowered organizations with improved uptime and lowered the operational costs. Deploying robust, secure and automated IoT solutions help the organizations derive the maximum value from the data, and ensure smooth running of operations. As per the changing trends, deep IoT integration into the networks and systems, have actually led to a collection of such voluminous data, that it is imposing a challenge in building correlation and eventually lowering down the rate of decision making, thus requiring networking industry to make essential changes to counter and address them effectively.

Intent-based Networking: It is an innovative approach to networking, where special software helps networking professionals plan, design, configure and automatically implement the changes to the network, improving its availability and agility. The technology has its core embedded in AI and machine learning. This intelligent software works to maintain the network state as well and adopt corrective measures to avoid any deviations.

How to keep pace with the changing networking trends?

You need to move with the ever-changing networking trends to accelerate your career and become recognized as an expert professional in the global arena. The top networking technologies that can help you stay ahead of the curve in 2019 include:

  • Network Routing and Switching
  • Network Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Network Virtualization
  • Data Center
  • IOT
  • Collaboration
  • Conclusion

    You can certainly take a lead in networks and networking technology by acquiring proficient skills, hands-on experience and extensive knowledge of top trends. Networkers Home helps you achieve top-notch IT networking skills through all-encompassing training and certification courses. Our pool of 10+ instructors help you walk through the course and pass the relevant certification exams with striking scores. Our Cisco certification training and courses are aligned to instil a hands-on understanding of the most recent networking platforms, technologies and best practices.


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